
Parameterized query from Excel with IN clause

I have a MS Query connection from Excel 2016 sheet to IBM DB2 database. I use parameterized query and link parameter values to Excel cell. While "singular value" clauses such as = < > like work, I can't get IN clause to work with multiple values but otherwise super simple query.

Here's a simple demo dataset how I produce the parameter values:

enter image description here

Column D formula is =IF(C2>5,A2&",","") which checks column C value for higher than 5 and populates ID in column D if TRUE. I'm expecting to use a helper cell to merge/concat all values in column D which I want to use for IN clause as value (yet to be completed).

How can I use "value1, value2, value3, ..." in a cell to run an IN clause query? Is it possible at all? IN clause works fine when the linked cell holds value 1 however 1, 3 produces error message: "Bad parameter type. Microsoft Excel is expecting a different kind of value than what was provided".

Using a separate parameter and OR clause for each cell technically looks to work, however in practice the dataset can easily reach 50-100 values which means crazy amount of parameter setup.

Query itself is something as simple as:

select * from PRODUCTS a
where a.prod_ID in (1,3)

or as Excel MS Query alternative:

select * from PRODUCTS a
where a.prod_ID in ?


  • posting this here for future googlers. So the solution was a bit out of the box for me - although still needs enhancement.

    It checks for worksheet change events in range M1:M4 and then populates IN-clause query command text according to the prepared syntax in B1. Really out of the box for me!

    Unfortunately it only handles a single Listobject (1) here, although I have more than one which should get the same treatment - but nevertheless, great stuff.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim INvaluesCell As Range
        Dim SQLin As String, parts As Variant
        Dim i As Long, p1 As Long, p2 As Long
        Dim qt As QueryTable
        Set INvaluesCell = Range("B1")
        If Not Intersect(Target, Range(INvaluesCell, "M1:M4")) Is Nothing Then
            SQLin = ""
            parts = Split(INvaluesCell.Value, ",")
            For i = 0 To UBound(parts)
                SQLin = SQLin & "'" & parts(i) & "',"
            SQLin = " IN (" & Left(SQLin, Len(SQLin) - 1) & ")"
            Set qt = Me.ListObjects(1).QueryTable
            p1 = InStr(1, qt.CommandText, " IN (", vbTextCompare)
            If p1 > 0 Then
                p2 = InStr(p1, qt.CommandText, ")") + 1
                qt.CommandText = Left(qt.CommandText, p1 - 1) & SQLin & Mid(qt.CommandText, p2)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub