I want to take modular inverse(k≥1) of integer and then multiply the result to another integer, as explain in following expression:
result=((x^(-k)))*y mod z
How can i implement this expression, where k≥1?
You need to define four function:
uint64_t modular_exponentiation(uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t z)
uint64_t res = 1;
x = x % z;
while (y > 0)
if (y & 1)
res = (res*x) % p;
y = y>>1; // y = y/2
x = (x*x) % z;
return res;
uint64_t moduloMultiplication(uint64_t a, uint64_t b,uint64_t z)
uint64_t res = 0;
a %= z;
while (b)
if (b & 1)
res = (res + a) % z;
a = (2 * a) % p;
b >>= 1; // b = b / 2
return res;
void extendedEuclid(uint64_t A, uint64_t B)
uint64_t temp;
if(B == 0)
d = A;
x = 1;
y = 0;
temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp - (A/B)*y;
int modInverse(uint64_t A, uint64_t M)
if (x < 0)
x += M;
return (x);
In main():
uint64_t result=0x00;
result=modular_exponentiation(x,k,z); // (x^k) mod z
result=modInverse(result,z); // ((x^k)^-1) mod z == x^(-k) mod z
result=moduloMultiplication(result,y,z);// x^(-k) * y mod z