
Error submiting application to orkut sandbox

I am trying to submit an Open Social application to Orkut Sandbox without success. My XML actually looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <ModulePrefs title="App title" author_email="myemal@gmail.com" description="My test application" 
        author="My Name" screenshot="http://www.jogodireto.com/280x240/sonic-sky-chase.jpg" 
        <Require feature="opensocial-data"/>

  <Content view="canvas" 
  <Content view="home">
      Hello, home view!

And when I try to submit it, I get the following error:

Submit failed. Please ensure that the gadget has title, description, author email, thumbnail url, and screenshot url defined, that you are an owner of the gadget, and that the gadget is not already submitted to any google property.

Is there anything wrong with my xml? It is available in my website if I type in the browser its URL. Looks like I have met these requirements present in the error message.


  • I got it to work, by using this URL to submit the application http://sandbox.orkut.com/Main#Developer and not the one I used before: The "Submit your application" link in http://sandbox.orkut.com/Main#AppDirectory