
Cache Busting with Laravel

I've been developing a system and every time I update anything on the public folder, each computers must always clear their cache in order for it to take effect.

I've only been coding directly on to the public folder for the js and css files. When I push it to my git repository and pull it to our shared hosting through ssh after that I copy it to the public_html folder through ssh as well, all client computers still need to clear their caches manually in order for new public files to take effect. I've been studying a bit of laravel mix however I am still unsure how to actually use it in a live hosting.

I am unsure if cache busting is the right term at this time but I wanted my client computers to use the latest assets every time I update our system.


  • Laravel has a built-in system for compiling assets like CSS and JavaScript, which includes a versioning system that ensures when you push a new version, users receive those updated assets.

    mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')