I am interested in changing the date column in dataf into ordered numbers (earliest date=1, second earliest=2... and so on) corresponding to id as in results$order. If an id only shows up once, I would like the order to be 1.
date=c("2012-02-18", "2013-03-01", "2013-04-11", "2013-06-06", "2013-09-20", "2013-07-02")
datef=strptime(date, format="%Y-%m-%d")
dataf=data.frame(id=c(20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22),
service=c("web", "phone", "person", "phone", "web", "web"))
> dataf
id date service
1 20 2012-02-18 web
2 20 2013-03-01 phone
3 20 2013-04-11 person
4 21 2013-06-06 phone
5 21 2013-09-20 web
6 22 2013-07-02 web
I am having a hard time even finding the correct wording to search for an answer to this dilemma. Am I looking to coerce? or index? the dataf$dates into results$order below?
results=data.frame(id=c(20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22),
service=c("web", "phone", "person", "phone", "web", "web"))
> results
id order service
1 20 1 web
2 20 2 phone
3 20 3 person
4 21 1 phone
5 21 2 web
6 22 1 web
With data.table
setorder(dataf, id, date)
dataf[, order := 1:.N, by = id]
> dataf
id date service order
1: 20 2012-02-18 web 1
2: 20 2013-03-01 phone 2
3: 20 2013-04-11 person 3
4: 21 2013-06-06 phone 1
5: 21 2013-09-20 web 2
6: 22 2013-07-02 web 1