
How to fix this script to change the value from true to false

This is my first question on your forum, and I wish to find an answer, maybe it's a dumb question for everyone of you but I'm beginning with a JavaScript boot-camp and I'm curious how to do change the highlighted value with TamperMonkey

Another little question: Is there any macro recorder for TamperMonkey, like the one provided in Microsoft Office products to record a VB macro then edit it later?


<html class=" video videoautoplay">
    <body data-no-turbolink="true">
    <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no" 
    <meta id="fedora-keys" data-commit 
    sha="f232f03c4db92d93cff3bee17185864b56d67336" data-env="production"

TamperMonkey Script

(function() {
  'use strict';
   var link = document.createElement('meta');
   link.setAttribute('name', 'data-env');
   link.content = "development";

I'm trying to change "production" to "development" with TamperMonkey, but I blame my ignorance of the programming language.



  • Try the following to change the element directly:

    (function() {
       'use strict';
       //get the meta element with id fedora-keys
       var link = document.querySelector('meta#fedora-keys'); 
       //set the data-env attribute to development
       link.setAttribute('data-env', 'development');