I want to make a command to make the bot leave a specific guild. Usage would be -leave [guild]
I don't really know what to try out, but I've messed with some of the arguments a bit; did nothing
async def leave(self, ctx, guild: discord.Guild):
await self.bot.leave_guild(guild)
await ctx.send(f":ok_hand: Left guild: {guild.name} ({guild.id})")
I'm getting the following error:
AttributeError: module 'discord.ext.commands.converter' has no attribute 'GuildConverter'
I'd like the bot to leave the guild and send a confirmation message shown in the code
There is no built in converter for guilds, so you'll have to do it yourself:
async def leave(self, ctx, *, guild_name):
guild = discord.utils.get(self.bot.guilds, name=guild_name)
if guild is None:
await ctx.send("I don't recognize that guild.")
await self.bot.leave_guild(guild)
await ctx.send(f":ok_hand: Left guild: {guild.name} ({guild.id})")