
How to properly get Access Token from logged in Google Sign In (client-side only app)?

I am using Google Sign-In button to let user logging in with their Google Account:

    gapi.signin2.render("container-btn-google-login", {
        scope: "email profile",
        onsuccess: (user) => {
            let token = user.getAuthResponse();

            // How can I get the Access Token here
            // that should be the same as user.Zi.access_token?


I am going to call other Google APIs and do not want to use their Javascript library (I am going to use fetch to call their REST APIs).

However, when I put Authorization: token.id_token as Header, the request is rejected. If I manually put a value that I can see from the Console (user.Zi.access_token), it works.

How can I extract the access_token from Google API Javascript SDK? Using something cryptic and undocumented like Zi does not seem safe to me.


  • Okay, I have found the relevant documentation here. We can use user.getAuthResponse(true) to get the Auth Response with the access token and possibly other useful information:

    The parameter is includeAuthorizationData:

    Optional: A boolean that specifies whether to always return an access token and scopes. By default, the access token and requested scopes are not returned when fetch_basic_profile is true (the default value) and no additional scopes are requested.

    Example working code from my question:

    let token = user.getAuthResponse(true);