Let's assume here has a bunch of html like this:
<p>High noon</p>
<p>Highest rank!</p>
Using the querySelectorAll to get them all:
const pList = document.querySelectorAll("p");
Then I want to know does the string "high" exist in each node in ES4.
I tried both includes() and indexOf():
pList[0].innerHTML.indexOf("High") !== -1
pList[1].innerHTML.indexOf("High") !== -1
But what I got are all true for all the nodes, rather than true for pList[0] and false for pList[1].
Try this one. Solution based on regular expression.
var regex = /\bHigh\b/i;
pList[0].innerHTML.search(regex) !== -1
pList[1].innerHTML.search(regex) !== -1