
Downloading file with Inno Setup only when user chooses to

Question: I’d like to know how to script to download a second file which is a zip but initially give a choice between two zip files; download, unzip and delete the zip. The zip files each have different names but the contents have a different name to the zips (each the same name); no renaming required. This question is a little similar to Apply Download file condition in inno-setup

The files in question are downloaded via the SourceForge website. The programs (clones) these files are intended for are either not listed on SF or have changed purpose.

After fixing the PChar bug: InnoTools Downloader not working with Inno 5.5 I'm now able to re-use this Inno Setup script from 2011 but want to expand it slightly but struggling to.

#include ReadReg(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'Software\Sherlock Software\InnoTools\Downloader','ScriptPath','');

procedure InitializeWizard();

  { Set download source.. }
  itd_addfile('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Textfile.txt'));
  { Start the download after the "Ready to install" screen is shown }

procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
  if CurStep = ssInstall then { Lets install the downloaded files }
    FileCopy(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Textfile.txt'), ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\program_name\Textfile.txt'), false);

Working code based on the answer:

#pragma include __INCLUDE__ + ";" + "c:\lib\InnoDownloadPlugin"
#include <idp.iss>

Name: full;    Description: "Full installation"
Name: compact; Description: "Compact installation"
Name: custom;  Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom

Name: abc;  Description: "C File";  Types: full compact custom; Flags: fixed
Name: hlnj;  Description: "HL (Recommended)"; Types: custom; Flags: exclusive
Name: hnj; Description: "HF";  Types: custom; Flags: exclusive

Source: "{tmp}\";  DestDir: "{userappdata}\ccc"; Flags: external; Components: abc
Source: "{tmp}\";  DestDir: "{userappdata}\ccc"; Flags: external; Components: hlnj
Source: "{tmp}\"; DestDir: "{userappdata}\ccc"; Flags: external; Components: hnj

procedure InitializeWizard;
  idpAddFileComp('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'), 'abc');
  idpAddFileComp('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'), 'hlnj');
  idpAddFileComp('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'), 'hnj');


procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
  if CurStep = ssPostInstall then 
    FileCopy(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'), ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\ccc\'), false);
    FileCopy(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'), ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\ccc\HLNJ.txt'), false);
    FileCopy(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'), ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\ccc\HNJ.txt'), false);


  • Only after posting my answer, I've noticed that despite you tagging the question , you are actually using InnoTools Downloader. Do not – InnoTools Downloader is dead and unmaintained.

    Also note that the Inno Setup 6.1 has a built-in support for downloads. With that API, the solution will be easier, but different than what is shown below to IDP. See Inno Setup: Install file from Internet.

    In the examples folder of Inno Download Plugin installation, there are components1.iss and components2.iss examples.

    The first shows how to use idpAddFileComp to conditionally download a file, when a component is selected.

    I'm re-posting a full example:

    ; Uncomment one of following lines, if you haven't checked "Add IDP include path to ISPPBuiltins.iss" option during IDP installation:
    ;#pragma include __INCLUDE__ + ";" + ReadReg(HKLM, "Software\Mitrich Software\Inno Download Plugin", "InstallDir")
    ;#pragma include __INCLUDE__ + ";" + "c:\lib\InnoDownloadPlugin"
    AppName          = My Program
    AppVersion       = 1.0
    DefaultDirName   = {pf}\My Program
    DefaultGroupName = My Program
    OutputDir        = userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output
    #include <idp.iss>
    Name: full;    Description: "Full installation"
    Name: compact; Description: "Compact installation"
    Name: custom;  Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom
    Name: app;  Description: "My Program";  Types: full compact custom; Flags: fixed
    Name: help; Description: "Help files";  Types: full
    Name: src;  Description: "Source code"; Types: full
    Source: "{tmp}\app.exe";  DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: external; ExternalSize: 1048576; Components: app
    Source: "{tmp}\help.chm"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: external; ExternalSize: 1048576; Components: help
    Source: "{tmp}\";  DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: external; ExternalSize: 1048576; Components: src
    Name: "{group}\My Program"; Filename: "app.exe";  Components: app
    Name: "{group}\Help file";  Filename: "help.chm"; Components: help
    Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,My Program}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"
    procedure InitializeWizard;
        idpAddFileComp('',  ExpandConstant('{tmp}\app.exe'),  'app');
        idpAddFileComp('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\help.chm'), 'help');
        idpAddFileComp('',  ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'),  'src');

    Caveat: The component name passed to idpAddFileComp must be in lowercase (the actual component name can use uppercase).