Using Play 2.5 I cannot seem to serialize a Map[SomeCaseClass, String]
case class SomeCaseClass(value: String)
implicit val formatSomeCaseClass = Json.format[SomeCaseClass]
Json.toJson(Map[SomeCaseClass, String](SomeCaseClass("") -> ""))
Errors with
No Json serializer found for type scala.collection.immutable.Map[SomeCaseClass,String]. Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type.
Unless i'm missing something obvious, there is an implicit format for that type immediately above.
If I try something more simple like:
Json.toJson(Map[String, String]("" -> ""))
It works fine. What am I missing when using a Map
with a more complex type e.g. SomeCaseClass
I think the problem here comes from json. Maps get converted to JSON objects which consist of key/value pairs. The keys in those objects must
be strings.
So a Map[String, T]
can get converted to a json object but not an arbitrary Map[U, T]