Let's says I have a type
template<typename ...Ts>
struct typelist {};
I need to get a sublist from this list :
template<int startInclusive, int stopExclusive, typename ...Ts>
struct sublist {
using type = ?; //
for example
sublist<1, 3, int, float, double, char>::type == typelist<float, double>
When start = 0
I have a working tail implementation :
template<typename ...Ts>
struct typelist {};
template<int N, typename T, typename ...Ts>
struct tail {
using type = typename tail<N - 1, Ts...>::type;
template<typename T, typename ...Ts>
struct tail<0, T, Ts...> {
using type = typelist<T, Ts...>;
using T = tail<1, int, double>::type;
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cstdio>
int main() {
::printf("%s\n", typeid(T).name());
However, I cannot get anything working for start > 0
It's likely to be an overkill, but it works:
template<typename... Ts>
struct typelist {};
template<class Typelist, typename T>
struct prepend;
template<typename... Ts, typename T>
struct prepend<typelist<Ts...>, T> {
using type = typelist<T, Ts...>;
template<int start, int stop, int i, typename... Ts>
struct sublist_impl {
using type = typelist<>;
template<int start, int stop, int i, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct sublist_impl<start, stop, i, T, Ts...>
static constexpr auto get_sublist_type() {
if constexpr (i < start)
return typename sublist_impl<start, stop, i + 1, Ts...>::type{};
else if constexpr (i < stop)
return typename prepend<typename sublist_impl<
start, stop, i + 1, Ts...>::type, T>::type{};
return typelist<>{};
using type = decltype(get_sublist_type());
template<int start, int stop, typename... Ts>
struct sublist {
using type = typename sublist_impl<start, stop, 0, Ts...>::type;
template<int start, int stop, typename... Ts>
using sublist_t = typename sublist<start, stop, Ts...>::type;
sublist_t<1, 3, int, float, double, char>, typelist<float, double>>);
sublist_t<0, 0, int, float, double, char>, typelist<>>);
sublist_t<4, 4, int, float, double, char>, typelist<>>);
sublist_t<0, 3, int, float, double, char>, typelist<int, float, double>>);
sublist_t<0, 4, int, float, double, char>, typelist<int, float, double, char>>);