In the FLIR documentation of PySpin/Spinnaker there is no reference to PySpin.RW. What does it mean?
It is used as follows:
if cam.TriggerMode.GetAccessMode() != PySpin.RW:
Obviously its there for test/comparision reason.
From the FLIR website I can find the following here:
Read-only nodes
For some features, the node is read-only and cannot be unlocked under any circumstances. The node is provided for information purposes.
To determine if a node is read-only:
In SpinView, double-click on the feature to open the Node Information window. Look for the AccessMode row.
Access Description
- RO Read-only
- RW Read / Write
- N/A Not Available
Using Spinnaker API, you can poll the Access Mode with the following:
//! Checks if a node is readable
inline bool IsReadable (const IBase* p)
return (p != NULL) && IsReadable (p->GetAccessMode());