I need to detect whether any NSControl
, such as an NSButton
, can get the focus by using the Tab key.
It can, if the user has enabled the option in the System Preferences under Keyboard / Shortcuts / Keyboard / "Change the way Tab moves focus".
More specifically, I like to make a NSButton the first responder but only if the "all controls can get focus" mode is enabled. Maybe I could ask the control if it accepts the firstReponder status?
I tried calling acceptsFirstResponder
on a button, but that returns YES even if it can't become firstReponder by using the Tab key, so that's not the right way.
is the property/method you're looking for.
From Cocoa Event Handling Guide, Keyboard Interface Control
The acceptsFirstResponder method controls whether a responder accepts first responder status when its window asks it to (that is, when makeFirstResponder: is called with the responder as the parameter). The canBecomeKeyView method controls whether the Application Kit allows tabbing to a view. It calls acceptsFirstResponder, but it also checks for other information before determining the value to return, such as whether the view is hidden and whether full keyboard access is on.