
Parent project hosted on Google Cloud Storage is not accessible

I have spring boot parent project hosted on Google Cloud Storage. I am using GoogleStorageWagon. I am able to deploy parent to GCS, But I am not able to download it.

Child project pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""




Error I am having is as below.


I've tried changing bucket policies as well as different account with admin access. But, I'm not able to resolve.


  • For anyone, who is having this problem,

    Maven was trying to find google-storage-wagon in GCR, which was not hosted that. In order to tell maven to download this from Maven central, I had to this extension in .mvn/extensions.xml project folder.

    .mvn/extensions.xml file will look like below:


    Now, maven will download this plugin from maven central and after that it will download parent pom.xml from GCR using this plugin.