I'm trying to compile a project that has some tests written in groovy.
The project has --enable-preview
for Java 12.
I'm using gmavenplus-plugin to do that:
I have --enable-preview
for maven compiler and surefire/failsafe (using argLine). Everything works if I disable the groovy plugin (and tests).
But when I enable it, it fails with:
Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.gmavenplus:gmavenplus-plugin:1.6.3:compileTests (default) on project apikey-manager-api: Error occurred while calling a method on a Groovy class from classpath.: InvocationTargetException: Preview features are not enabled for com/acme/config/EndToEndTest (class file version 56.65535). Try running with '--enable-preview' -> [Help 1]
I don't see any options that I could pass to this plugin to enable preview features. Does it use javac? Or should such option be in groovyc?
With the changes in Groovy (GROOVY-9073) and GMavenPlus (#125), this is now available as of GMavenPlus 1.7.1 with Groovy 2.5.7+ / 3.0.0-beta-1+.