On this page that explains the use of inputParser
we see that every inputParser
method call in the examples is of the form
methodname(object, arguments)
instead of
For example
instead of
where p
is an instance if inputParser
I would say that this makes it unclear where addRequired
is coming from without having to search for it either though which
or for the instantiation line in the code before it is being called. Having addRequired
available in any context kind of breaks encapsulation, and seems to be the very opposite of what you would want from introducing OOP in the first place.
I suspect there is a good reason to sacrifice readability and write documentation in this particular way.
So my question is, is there any practical difference between "functional" and "OOP" syntax in MATLAB?
I'm afraid these syntaxes are not even fully equivalent, as can be learned from the following example:
>> f = fit( (1:3).', (2:2:6).' ,'poly1')
f =
Linear model Poly1:
f(x) = p1*x + p2
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
p1 = 2 (2, 2)
p2 = -6.784e-16 (-4.709e-14, 4.574e-14)
>> methods(f)
Methods for class cfit:
argnames cfit coeffvalues dependnames feval formula integrate numargs plot probnames setoptions
category coeffnames confint differentiate fitoptions indepnames islinear numcoeffs predint probvalues type
>> f.coeffvalues
Error using cfit/subsref (line 18)
The name 'coeffvalues' is not a coefficient or a problem parameter. You can only use dot notation to access the coefficients and problem parameters of a cfit or sfit, e.g.,
For the current fit, you can access these properties: p1, p2
You can get coefficient names and values either by name, e.g., p1 = f.p1, or by using the coeffnames or coeffvalues functions, e.g., names = coeffnames(f).
To use methods, use functional notation instead, e.g., plot(f).
>> coeffvalues(f)
ans =
2.0000 -0.0000
Most importantly:
To use methods, use functional notation instead, e.g., plot(f).
Now suppose we are sadists and want to write a function that behaves like that ourselves, investigating further we find that cfit.coeffvalues
is simply a getter for a private property. Now if you look closely at the error above, you'd notice that it didn't even occur in cfit.coeffvalues
, but instead in cfit.subsref
from this we can learn, empirically, that the functional notation goes directly to the method in question, whereas the OOP notation first goes through the possibly overridden subsref
method of the class. I guess if you want to make sure you're skipping any custom subsref
, use functional notation.