
Filter out and lower case all characters using onKeyDown (ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>)

I am using the TagPicker which has the event onKeyDown with signature (ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void

Is there a way I can use this event to only allow lower-case letters and the dash - symbol? Ideally I would like to transform upper-case letters to lower-case automatically.


  • I have found a solution for this, TagPicker has an inputProps attribute which allows to hook up to the input events. Once I found this out, this task became fairly easy:

     <TagPicker onResolveSuggestions={this.onResolveSuggestions}
            onBlur: () =>
                console.log("onBlur called"),
            onFocus: () =>
                console.log("onFocus called"),
            "aria-label": "Tag Picker",
            onKeyPress: (e) =>
                var charInput = e.charCode;
                // no modifier key and no lowercase
                if(!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey && 
                    !(charInput >= 97 && charInput <= 122)) {
                    //UPPERCASE => lowercase
                    if((charInput >= 65) && (charInput <= 90)){
                    //UNDERSCORE => dash
                    if((charInput == 95)){
                    if((charInput >= 97 && charInput <= 122) || charInput == 45) { 
                        const start = e.currentTarget.selectionStart;
                        const end = e.currentTarget.selectionEnd;
                        const isPrevCharDash = (start > 0 && e.currentTarget.value.charAt(start-1) === "-");
                        if(!((start == 0 || isPrevCharDash) && charInput == 45)){
                            e.currentTarget.value = e.currentTarget.value.substring(0, start) + String.fromCharCode(charInput) + e.currentTarget.value.substring(end);
                            e.currentTarget.setSelectionRange(start+1, start+1);

    Here is a demo.