Let's say i have main app code that changes file names using some pattern. In jbehave story i want to move this pattern and expected file name to "Examples". Problem is "expected file name" column should contain patter (previous column). Is it possible to use "variables" in "Examples" section?
story file
Given that exist file named originalFName
When …
Than file name should be expectedFName
|pattern | originalFName | expectedFName |
|someString | pattern.txt | AAA_pattern.rtf |
@Given('that exist file named $originalFName')
void isFileExist(@Named('originalFName') String fName) {…}
@Than('file name should be expectedFName')
void fNameShouldBe(@Named('expectedFName') String expectedFName) {…}
So i wonder is possible to get, when compiled (in this case)
originalFName == someString.txt
expectedFName == AAA_someString.rtf
many ways to implement this. for example
Given fileNamePart
When exist file named originalFName
When …
Than file name should be expectedFName
|fileNamePart| originalFName | expectedFName |
|someString | %s.txt | AAA_%s.rtf |
and in code just replace %s
with fileNamePart
originalFName = String.format(originalFName,fileNamePart)
instead of %s
+ String.format
you could use regexp, or dynamic groovy evaluation...