
How to get the correct left position of a shape within a group when using python-pptx?

I am parsing a simple PowerPoint with three shapes. One shape is visibly to the left of the two other. But not when comparing it using python-pptx. The right side of that left shape (shape.left+shape.width) has a higher value than one of the other shapes left side (shape.left). The python-pptx result seem to indicate the right-hand shape starts within the left-hand shapes border. This seem to be caused by the group shape the right-hand shape is within.

What is the proper code to compare correctly that the right-hand shapes left side in fact is to the right of the left-hand shape?

I have tried removing the group, and then comparisons show expected values. I have tried creating new group shapes with shapes within, and again, they show expected values. However, the linked PowerPoint file at is an example where the group shape affects the normal result. When running the code, I do not know how the shapes were created. I need a generic way to test this special case correctly.

from pptx import Presentation
from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_SHAPE_TYPE

for shpShape in slide.shapes:
    if shpShape.shape_type == MSO_SHAPE_TYPE.GROUP:
             " has   Left="+str(shpShape.shapes[0].left)+
             " and right="+
        print(shpShape.text+" has Left="+str(shpShape.left)+
             " and right="+str(shpShape.left+shpShape.width))

I expect the right hand shape to have its "left" value greater than the left-hand shapes "right" value. But instead, it prints a smaller value:

Left has Left=160326 and right=6254527
Right has Left=3291751 and right=3846370


  • A good place to start in understanding this is inspecting the group-shape XML:


    There you will find a child element that looks like this:

        <a:off x="3347864" y="2204864"/>
        <a:ext cx="3506688" cy="2930624"/>
        <a:chOff x="3347864" y="2204864"/>
        <a:chExt cx="3506688" cy="2930624"/>

    The <a:chOff> element represents the "child-offset" of shapes within the group. In this case, which is typical of shapes grouped in python-pptx, note that the a:chOff values are exactly the same as the a:off values, which represent the top-left corner of the group-shape.

    Using these two sets of values, you can calculate some interesting positions.

    1. Absolute position of child shapes. This is child a:off plus group a:off minus group a:chOff.

    2. Relative position of child shapes (to the group-shape origin). This is child a:off minus group a:chOff.

    You can get these extra child-offset values from the group with:

    chOff = group_shape._element.xpath("./p:grpSpPr/a:xfrm/a:chOff")[0]
    chOff_x = int(chOff["x"])
    chOff_y = int(chOff["y"])

    These values are in English Metric Units (EMU) which are described here along with how you might conveniently manipulate them:

    python-pptx always uses a child offset equal to the group shape position (a:off) because that is convenient. Other packages may use other group-shape offsets that are more convenient to their purposes. For example, if you were to move a group, you could accomplish that by changing a:off in the group only, without having to visit and update each of the child shape positions.