So I have this Application Engine that calls on this Application Package, this application package has a CreateSql(Select...)
statement, and some of the records and fields are dynamic.
My question is -- how can i possibly know what value does these dynamic records and fields holds?
I tried doing a MessageBox
on the application package but it does not show in the message logs in the Application Engine.
Any idea how to do this?
If you use MessageBox in an Application Engine, the message should appear in the stdout file. This file is formatted as follows:
AE_(appEngine name)_(process instance).stdout
This file should be visible via Process Monitor > Details > View Log/Trace. The messages in this file also get sent to Process Monitor > Details > Message Log. The only reason it doesn't appear there, is if you explicitly change the Output destination via ProcessRequest/SCHED_INFO/ReportDefn class. If not, your configuration is messed up.
If you can't get this to work, an option would be to setup your own logging:
Local string &sFileLoc = "C:\TEMP"; /* File location */
Local File &fileLog = GetFile(&sFileLoc , "A", %Exec_Synchronous + %FilePath_Absolute);
Local SQL &oSQL = CreateSQL("Select ...");
&fileLog.WriteLine("LOG FOR SQL STRING: " | &oSQL.Value);
While &oSQL.Fetch(&oOut)
/* Handle row returned by &oSQL */