
QlikSense Set analysis SUM expression with explicit less than and ignore selections

I have an expression in QlikSense:

Sum({$<YEAR=,YEAR= {$(=YEAR(TODAY())-1)},MONTH={$(=NUM(Month(today()),'#'))}>}MOVES)

Which gives me the SUM of MOVES from 2018 (previous year) in MONTH 6 (current month)

What I want is the SUM of MOVES from 2018 (previous year) with MONTH's 1 to 6 up to current month.

I have tried adding < to the expression in different places but it returns nothing:

Sum({$<YEAR=,YEAR= {$(=YEAR(TODAY())-1)},MONTH<={$(=NUM(Month(today()),'#'))}>}MOVES)


Sum({$<YEAR=,YEAR= {$(=YEAR(TODAY())-1)},MONTH={$(<=NUM(Month(today()),'#'))}>}MOVES)

But they aren't returning anything.


  • Did you tried this :

    Sum({$<YEAR=,YEAR= {$(=YEAR(TODAY())-1)},MONTH={"<=$(=NUM(Month(today()),'#'))"}>}MOVES)

    What is the format of your field Month, is it a number ?