
Create ReaderT[F, D, A] from F[A]

type MapReaderOrOption[A] = ReaderT[Option, Map[String,String], A]

I can create it from ReaderT.apply:

def f:MapReaderOrOption[Int] = ReaderT(_ => Option(10))

From A type via type enrichment and pure method:

import cats.Applicative
def f:MapReaderOrOption[Int] = 10.pure[MapReaderOrOption]

I'd like to find something similar. Each time to use ReaderT(..) not so convenient. For sure, I can create a helper method. The question, are there other options?

Expected something like:

def f:MapReaderOrOption[Int] = Option(10).asReaderT[MapReaderOrOption]


  • type MapReaderOrOption[A] = ReaderT[Option, Map[String,String], A]
    implicit class toReader[F[_],T](f: F[T]) {
      def asReaderT[K] = ReaderT[F,K,T](_ => f)
    def f:MapReaderOrOption[Int] = Option(10).asReaderT

    or in case type of f is not provided explicitly you need to define K parameter.

    def f = Option(10).asReaderT[Map[String,String]]

    So now type for f will be inferred to ReaderT[Option, Map[String,String], Int]. I think you don't even need type alias in this case.

    or one more alternative

    def f = Option(10).asReaderT:MapReaderOrOption[Int]