
Developer machine spec for windows

Can anyone suggest a spec for a developer machine for Windows 7 OS, visual studio 2010? Looking for what people have regarding RAM, Core, CPU, Hard drive etc Thanks


  • My development workstation:

    Notice how I didn't mention a CPU? That's because it's secondary to the above. I'm using a 3.2GHz Core 2 that I plan to upgrade to a quadcore at some point soon. Either AMD or Intel will be fine (Intel is faster but AMD is significantly cheaper right now - your choice!)

    Video card: will you be doing 3d games? If not, go for the second or third cheapest AMD 6xx0 card you can find (why AMD? Because they are guaranteed to support 3 monitors and their VGA outputs are generally cleaner than Nvidia ones. Seriously, you never know when you might need that!) Integrated video will work, too, in a pinch, but you'll be limited to at most 1 digital out and 1 awful VGA out at best.

    For 3d, go for a mid-high end video card around $150-$300. Either manufacturer is fine, although AMD 6xx0 appears to be slightly better value for money than Nvidia 5x0 in most price points in the last few reviews I checked. If you also care about GPGPU or 3d modeling, you'll find better support on the Nvidia side of the fence.

    One final word of advice: invest in a good PSU (Seasonic or Corsair are fine). Also take a look at noise reviews for the components you'll be choosing - and avoid extremely noisy components at all costs! You want to work, not hear a dustblower working.