I have a project with two subprojects.
One of these subprojects, "A", contains code that is being published to an artifact.
The other subproject, "B", has a task that needs to do exactly what one of the methods in A's code does. I can replicate the logic in groovy, but is there any way I can actually have my task in subproject B call the code that was compiled as part of subproject A?
I'd tried adding a buildscript block in B that added the artifact from A to the classpath:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath project(':subproject-a')
...but this gave me an error:
Cannot use project dependencies in a script classpath definition.
I don't believe I can move subproject-a to buildSrc
, as I'm also publishing its artifact to a maven repository for other projects to use.
You have a chicken or egg problem where all of the Gradle project classloaders are resolved before any classes are compiled. This can be resolved using a custom configuration and a Classloader
configurations {
dependencies {
custom project(':subproject-a')
task customTask {
doLast {
def urls = configurations.custom.files.collect { it.toURI().toURL() }
ClassLoader cl = new java.net.URLClassLoader(urls as URL[])
Class myClass = cl.loadClass('com.foo.MyClass')
// assuming zero args constructor
Object myObject = myClass.newInstance()
// assuming method which accepts single String argument
java.lang.reflect.Method myMethod = myClass.getMethod('myMethodName', String.class)
myMethod.invoke(myObject, 'methodArg')