
Web Browser in Oculus Go VR application built with Unity

I am currently trying to find a way for having a web browser in a VR application. Basically the goal is to open a page like https://stackoverflow.com in a panel and to have it scrollable through the oculus go controller.

I already did some research on plugins for achieving this like this but none of them seems to work on the oculus go.


  • From what I could find, the best solution is this 3D browser plugin. It's not slow or buggy like the other options I tried and it just works by placing a prefab in your scene that you can click and scroll.

    void CreateWebView(float width, float height, Vector3 position) {
        var prefab = WebViewPrefab.Instantiate(width, height);
        prefab.transform.position = position;
        prefab.Initialized += (sender, args) => prefab.WebView.LoadUrl("https://stackoverflow.com");