I have a tagless final implementation with unit test, when I run the unit test only the first step is invoked not the rest.
Here is the test target:
class NameThing[F[_]: Monad](implicit console: Console[F]) {
def program: F[Unit] = for {
_ <- console.prompt
rawName <- console.read
fullName = parse(rawName)
_ <- console.display(fullName)
} yield ()
def parse(rawName:String):FullName = {
val parts = rawName.split(" ")
FullName(parts(0), parts(1))
The unit test is:
implicit object TestConsole extends Console[Test] {
override def prompt: Test[Unit] = {
Reader(TestEnv => TestEnv.prompt)
override def read: Test[String] = {
Reader(TestEnv => TestEnv.read)
override def display(fullName: FullName): Test[Unit] = {
Reader(TestEnv => TestEnv.display(fullName.toString))
val result = new NameThing[Test]().program.run
I only see ok1 displayed.
Complete code here: https://bitbucket.org/jameskingconsulting/scala-effects
new NameThing[Test]().program.run(TestEnv())
new NameThing[Test]().program.run
is just a TestEnv => Unit
(where .run
is Kleisli
's run
), you should call it on a TestEnv
to actually run the program.