I use Dagger2 and Moxy with MVP. As I understand, Presenter can call the Repository for loading and unloading data from the database. But I just can not figure out how to create an instance of the repository: in the Activity with the help of Dagger and transfer to the presenter or in the presenter itself?
I used Repository in Activity but I think it's an anti-pattern.
It provides Context
public class AppModule {
private Context context;
public AppModule(Context context){
this.context = context;
Context provideContext(){
return context;
This module provides Room
public class RoomModule {
AppDataBase providesAppDataBase(Context context) {
return Room.databaseBuilder(context, AppDataBase.class, "budget")
BudgetDao providesDao(AppDataBase database) {
return database.getBudgetDao();
DetailDao providesDetailDao(AppDataBase dataBase){
return dataBase.getDetailDao();
@Component(modules = {RoomModule.class, AppModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
void inject(BudgetListPresenter presenter);
void inject(BudgetsActivity activity);
void inject(DetailActivity activity);
public class BudgetListRepository implements BudgetRepository {
private BudgetDao budgetDao;
public BudgetListRepository(BudgetDao budgetDao){
this.budgetDao = budgetDao;
public void updateBudget(Budget budget) {
public void addBudget(Budget budget) {
public void deleteBudget(Budget budget) {
public Budget getBudget(String id) {
return budgetDao.getBudget(id);
public List<Budget> getAll() {
return budgetDao.getAll();
The flow should be like this
First, you call a method from your view to your presenter.
Then, in your presenter, you need to communicate with any use case in your domain layer and that layer has the responsibility to inject the repository with dagger.
Let me show you an example
From your presenter, you inject your use case (interactor), this will be the responsable to communicate with the repository later
class LoginPresenter @Inject constructor(private val signInInteractor: SignInInteractor) : LoginContract.Presenter {
override fun signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: String, password: String) {
signInInteractor.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
Then your interactor should inject the repository like this
class SignInInteractorImpl @Inject constructor(val userRepository: UserRepository): SignInInteractor{
override suspend fun pushUserIntoDatabase(account: GoogleSignInAccount): Unit = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
userRepository.createUser(account.displayName!!,account.email!!,object : UserRepository.UserRepositoryCallback{
override fun onRemoteSuccess() {
override fun onRemoteFailure(errormsg:String) {
In this case I just use inside my use case a call to the repository to push data into Firebase
And in my PresentationModule I just inject that repo
fun provideUserRepositoryToLogin(userRepository: UserRepository): SignInInteractor {
return SignInInteractorImpl(userRepository)
This is the concept to follow