I need to store the laboratory points for a certain student, the first Select works good but when i try to update the new value for lab_points with WHERE clause the program crash. When i skip the WHERE the program run fine but all values are changed.
What will be the problem for UPDATE?
EntityManagerFactory emf = (EntityManagerFactory)getServletContext().getAttribute("emf");
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
EntityManager updateEm = emf.createEntityManager();
String nume, prenume;
int lab_points;
for(List<String> linie: linesAsList)
if(linie.get(1).matches("[a-zA-Z- ]+") && linie.get(2).length()>=2) {
nume = linie.get(1).split(" ")[0];
prenume = linie.get(1).split(" ")[1];
lab_points = (Integer) em.createQuery("select n.lab_points from Record as n where n.student.nume=:nume and n.student.prenume=:prenume and n.student.grupa=:grupa and n.cours.numeCurs=:curs")
.setParameter("nume", nume).setParameter("prenume", prenume)
.setParameter("grupa",linie.get(2)).setParameter("curs","Programare avansata").getSingleResult();
lab_points = lab_points + Integer.parseInt(linie.get(3).trim());
updateEm.createQuery("update Record as n set n.lab_points=:points where n.student.nume=:nume").setParameter("nume",nume)
System.out.println(em.createQuery("select n.lab_points from Record as n where n.student.nume=:nume and n.student.prenume=:prenume and n.student.grupa=:grupa and n.cours.numeCurs=:curs")
.setParameter("nume", nume).setParameter("prenume", prenume)
.setParameter("grupa", linie.get(2)).setParameter("curs", "Programare avansata").getSingleResult());
if (updateEm.getTransaction().isActive())
if (em.getTransaction().isActive())
And this my database error message: error
JPQL doesn't allow statement like
in an UPDATE statement, because it will try to translate to a SQL JOIN which it's not allowed in an UPDATE statement. Unfortunately JPQL doesn't support subqueries in UPDATE statements.
So the only solution it's to map the student_id to a property in Record entity
@Column(name = "student_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Long authorId;
And to split the task into two queries like this:
List<Long> ids = em.createQuery("SELECT s.id FROM Student s WHERE s.nume = :nume", Long.class)
.setParameter("nume", nume)
em.createQuery("UPDATE Record r SET r.lab_points = :points WHERE b.student_id IN :ids")
.setParameter("ids", ids)