asp.netformsauthenticationformsauthenticationticketrequiressl use requireSSL and still be able to check if the user is authenticated on Non-SSL pages

I have a webapplication ( 3.5) with mixed SSL. All account related pages are delivered over SSL. Mostly all other pages are delivered over non-ssl. To automatically switch between HTTPS and HTTP I use this component. Lately there was a news item regarding the ability toch hijack user sessions on non-secure Wifi networks. This should be possible by catching the Cookie that is transmitted over non-ssl connections.

This triggered me to review my security choices in this webapplication. I've (again) grabbed this article from MSDN and tried the requireSSL=true property on my Formsauthentication. Before I've even started the webapplication I realized that my User.Identity will be null on non-SSL pages because the cookie containing this information isn't sent from and to the webbrowser.

I need a mechanism that Authenticates the user over a SSL connection... and remembers this authentication info, even on non-SSL pages.

While searching SO, I've found this post. It's seems to me that this is a good solution. But, I wonder if a solution can be found in storing login information in the Sessionstate? I'm thinking of catching the Application_AuthenticateRequest in the Global.asax. Checking if the connection is secure and check either the authcookie or Session. I don't know exactly how I'm going to implement this yet. Maybe you can think with me on this?


  • Unfortunately, you have conflicting requirements. You can't have a secure session over non-SSL, so I'd like to challenge your underlying assumption: why not have the whole site use SSL?