
Chai + mocha, succeed in test if resolved, fail if rejected

I have a function that returns a promise. In my test file that is using chai I want the following to happen:

const result = sendSurveyDataToAnalytics(userId,eventType,eventTitle)

result.then(() => {
    Logger.info("Succeed in the test if we get here")
}).catch(() => {
    Logger.info("Fail in the test if we get here")

the code explains it. Succeed in then, fail in catch. What is the proper way to do that with maybe expect, or should (already installed chai-as-promised)


  • If you're using chai-as-promised:

    const result = sendSurveyDataToAnalytics(userId, eventType, eventTitle);
    result.then(() => {
        Logger.info("Succeed in the test if we get here");
    }).catch(() => {
        Logger.info("Fail in the test if we get here");
    it('resolves as promised', function() {
        return result.should.be.fulfilled;
    // or:
    it('rejects as promised', function() {
        return result.should.be.rejected;