If I have tree output in terminal with less with this function
function tre() {
tree -aC -I '.git|node_modules|bower_components' --dirsfirst "$@" | less -FRNX;
, it will scroll 1 line by pressing key each time.
I need a shorcut or command to reach and of file.
If I press "G" the output would be with "...skipping..."
19 │ │ │ └── someotherfile.db
20 │ │ ├── static
62 │ │ ├── user
63 │ │ │ ├── admin.py
How do I get to the end of file with all lines loaded without "...skipping..."?
The issue was with this
less -FRNX;
The last (X) forced the output line by line. So the solution was not to use it
less -FRN;
(Why I use less for tree output) On screenshot below is the difference between default tree output and output it with less. Same folder, but with less output is with colors, line numbers and directory first.