I'm trying to do a Parse request but I got this error :
com.parse.ParseObject cannot be cast to com.mysapp.mys.common.model.Lesson
but it doesn't enter inside the subscribe after the return of the request. The answer of the server is good because I have the log of it on real-time.
I believe I have a problem when I receive the answer and when I cast implicitly with the lambda. But I don't know how to achieve it in another way.
fun getLessons(coach: Boolean, lessonType: LessonType?, date: Date?, position: LatLng, distance: Double): Single<List<Lesson>> {
val params = hashMapOf<String, Any?>()
if (lessonType == null){
params["lessonType"] = ""
params["lessonType"] = 12
params["date"] = date
params["geoPoint"] = ParseGeoPoint(44.557514, -0.86099)
params["within"] = 4935.772
Log.e("params : ", "lessonType: " + params.get("lessonType") + "| date : " + params.get("date").toString()
+ " | geoPoint: " + params.get("geoPoint") + " | within: "+ params.get("within"))
return ParseObservable.callFunction<List<Lesson>>("getSessions", params).singleOrError()
how I treat it :
disposables.add(repository.getLessons(false, lesson, dateSelected, position, distance.toDouble())
.subscribe({ lessons ->
Log.e("LESSONS", lessons.toString())
}, Throwable::printStackTrace)
I don't know how Parse is working so that's why I have copied on this
request who already exists in the project :
fun getAverageRating(coachId: String): Single<HashMap<String, Int>> {
val params = hashMapOf<String, String>()
params["coachId"] = coachId
return ParseObservable.callFunction<HashMap<String, Int>>("getAverageRating", params).singleOrError()
how it's treated :
.subscribe({ rating ->
if (rating > 0) {
ratingBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
ratingBar.rating = rating
} else
ratingBar.visibility = View.GONE
}, Throwable::printStackTrace)
If you need any details feel free to ask me.
The following method getSessions
is returning a ParseObject
instead of returning a Lesson
type object. Try to check the type and return appropriate model from that.
Change getLessons
return type to this
ParseObservable.callFunction<List<Any>>("getSessions", params).singleOrError()
and treat like this to check return type.
disposables.add(repository.getLessons(false, lesson, dateSelected, position, distance.toDouble())
.subscribe({ lessons ->
Log.e("LESSONS", lessons.toString())
}, Throwable::printStackTrace)
To get lessons in com.mysapp.mys.common.model.Lesson
POJO you can do any of the followings
Annotate Lessons
class with @ParseClassName("Lesson")
See this answer for details
Cast parse object to JSON and use gson to convert to Lesson POJO
Finally, don't forget to do the necessary changes to this line ParseObservable.callFunction>("getSessions", params).singleOrError()