
Reference a Perl Module that creates a hash in another Perl Module file that sets the hash equal to that hash

I have 2 perlmodule files (.pm). is located on /some/dir/here/ I have a located on /some/other/dir/ will set its my %machines hash equal to /some/dir/here/'s %machines if is readable using if (-r '/some/dir/here/') else it will use a standard hash defined within as my %machines = ().

I have tried the code below

However, this is not working for me.

package some::other::dir::File_B;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
use Cwd;
use some::dir::File_A;

use Exporter;
$VERSION = 1.0;
@ISA     = qw(Exporter);
  qw(getMachines printMachines getMachineAttributes printMachineAttributes);

if(-r '/some/dir/here/'){
    my %machines = do q{/some/dir/here/};
 my %machines = (  
    "" => {
    role        => ["someRole"],
    environment => "test",
    location    => "USA",
    os          => "Ubuntu",},
#I have getMachines, printMachines, getMachineAtrributes, and
#printMachineAttributes below here in my code

I am expecting the logic to use the my %machines hash if it is readable and if not use the backup my %machines hash in case the somehow becomes unreadable.


  • The scope of a lexical variable defined with my spans from the declaration to the end of the enclosing block. The first my %machines doesn't survive the "then" block, the second one disappears at the end of the "else" block.

    Note that if File_A is writable by a malicious user, they can insert any code into it. It's safer to use an INI file, or JSON, YAML, XML, or whatever to populate the hash.