
Find closest next element in DOM with jQuery

In the following example. I would like to find the first .invalid-feedback and .valid-feedback for both items #main and #secondary.

Obviously I am interested in the generic case, that's the reason why I wrote a prototype extension for jQuery.

  closestNext: function (selector) {
    let found = null    
    let search = (el, selector) => {
      if (!el.length) return
      if (el.nextAll(selector).length) {
        found = el.nextAll(selector).first()
      search(el.parent(), selector)

    search($(this), selector)
    return found

// Proof
<script src=""></script>
        <input id="main"/>
    <div class="dummy"></div>
    <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>
        <input id="secondary"/>
    <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>
<div class="valid-feedback"></div>

What I wrote seems very complicated and I am expecting this kind of DOM traversal function to be part of jQuery out of the box. Unfortunately, I did not found any related function on the manual.

Is there a simpler way to achieve the same result as what closestNext does?


From a more algorithmic side I am looking for a tree traversing function that goes in the following order, but with a complexity better than what I achieved in my example.

├── A1
│   ├── B1
│   │   ├── C1
│   │   ├── C2
│   │   └── C3
│   ├── B2
│   │   ├── C4 <--- Entry point
│   │   ├── C5
│   │   └── C6
│   └── B3
│       ├── C7
│       ├── C8
│       └── C9
└── A2
    ├── B4 
    │   ├── C10
    │   └── C11
    └── B5
        ├── C12
        └── C13

From the C4 Entry point, the exploration order is:

>>> traverse(C4)
C5, C6, B3, C7, C8, C9, A2, B4, C10, C11, B5, C12, C13


  • I can't see how your initial code can be simpler. After all, it needs to iterate the markup.

    What I did see though, was how it could be optimized, using return in favor of let found = null and only call el.nextAll(selector) once.

    I also addressed cases where the element isn't found, as if not, you end up with an exception.

    Stack snippet

      closestNext: function (selector) {
        let search = (el, selector) => {
          if (!el.length) return el
          let f = el.nextAll(selector)
          return f.length ? f.first() : search(el.parent(), selector)
        return search($(this), selector)
    // Proof
    <script src=""></script>
            <input id="main"/>
        <div class="dummy"></div>
        <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>
            <input id="secondary"/>
        <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>
    <div class="valid-feedback"></div>