I am trying to get both fields in an api enpoint so that it queries based on that. example.
api/evenSession/123123123/eventSession?token=1234656&filter= chris moreno
my controller searches by first or last name. But i want to create an endpoint that it queries the database if it's passed in "chris moreno"
This is my $filter code
if(preg_match_all('/^[A-Z]*[a-z]*(-|\s)[A-Z]*[a-z]*$/', $filter)){
$searchFields = [
I'd like to be able to catch both fields (chris and moreno) in my filter so that I can pass that over to my query so that it can check for people checked in with first and last name (narrow the search)
Here, we would have three capturing groups, if our inputs are as listed, for instance, an expression we would start with:
Here, we our token value in this capturing group:
and our names in these two separate capturing groups:
which the last two groups can be modified, if we have names such as O'Neal, that may not fall into [A-Za-z]
char class. For instance, we can allow any chars:
$re = '/token=(.*?)&filter=\s*([\w]+)\s+([\w]+)/m';
$str = 'api/evenSession/123123123/eventSession?token=1234656&filter= chris moreno
api/evenSession/123123123/eventSession?token=1234656&filter= alice bob
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
$searchFields = [];
foreach ($matches as $key => $value) {
$searchFields[$key] = [$value[2], $value[3]];