
"Import Error" with Transporter App status mode

I am reviewing Apples transporter app to automate Auto Renewable subscriptions configuration as we need to do the same on an internal portal along side AppStoreConnect. While I was experimenting with a sample app, I created a dummy IAP profile in a metadata.xml file and uploaded it (Transporter upload mode).

The transporter's response was successful upload, but the AppStore Connect does not reflect the auto-renewable IAP being created.

Also, calling the transporter app's status mode outputs something called Import Error. Not sure what does it mean and how to rectify or debug further.

<upload_status apple_identifier="***" 
    <content_status_info itunes_connect_status="">
        <store_status not_on_store="N/A" on_store="N/A" ready_for_store="N/A"/>
    <upload_status_info created="2019-06-11 08:55:52" status="Import Error"/>

Here are the details of how I am using the transporter:

Here is my metadata.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package xmlns="" version="software5.11">
                <subscription_group name="AutoUploadTestSG">
                        <locale name="en-US">
                            <title>Test Subscription Group</title>
                            <app_name>Test App</app_name>
                        <duration>1 Month</duration>

                        <!-- Additional territories here -->
                        <!-- <products>
                        </products> -->
                            <locale name="en-US">
                                <title>Product 1</title>
                                <description>This product provides access to product #1</description>
                            <checksum type="md5">0cdbb1a31bd501f0425e0c30622a04da</checksum>
                        <review_notes>Some notes for the reviewer.</review_notes>
                        <duration>3 Months</duration>

                            <locale name="en-US">
                                <title>Product 2</title>
                                <description>This product provides access to product #2</description>
                            <checksum type="md5">2aded6313ed9e6ddeef9152d141027c8</checksum> 
                        <review_notes>Some notes for the reviewer.</review_notes>

P.S: The actual file has configurations for all 155 territories. I have excluded most here for brevity.


  • There was a problem with the resolution of one of the images that were uploaded.

    How did I get to know that? Well, I received an email from AppStoreConnect stating the reason.

    On rectifying the error and uploading it again, I was able to create the IAP in AppStoreConnect.

    The status now looks like this:

    <upload_status apple_identifier="***" vendor_identifier="">
        <content_status_info itunes_connect_status="">
            <store_status not_on_store="N/A" on_store="N/A" ready_for_store="N/A"/>
        <upload_status_info created="2019-06-11 08:55:52" status="Imported"/>