
Elixir / Phoenix: How to customize HTTP request log format?

By default, my Phoenix apps log basic information about each HTTP request across ~ 5 lines of log output. As long as I've set my log level to :debug, I can see each request's method, path, controller & action, params, response code, and duration:

2019-06-14 16:05:35.099 [info] GET /manage/projects/7qDjSk
2019-06-14 16:05:35.103 [debug] Processing with RTLWeb.Manage.ProjectController.show/2
  Parameters: %{"project_uuid" => "7qDjSk"}
  Pipelines: [:browser, :require_login]
2019-06-14 16:05:35.116 [info] Sent 200 in 17ms

That's a great starting point. But I'd like to customize the app to log all of this info on one line, which is helpful eg. when sifting through large amounts of log output in a tool like Papertrail. In particular I'd like each request to show up in a format like this:

[PUT /manage/projects/74/prompts/290] params=%{"project_uuid" => "74", "prompt" => %{"html" => "<div>Test question 3</div>"}, "prompt_uuid" => "290"} user=38 (Topher Hunt) status=302 redirected_to=/manage/projects/74 duration=423ms

In the Phoenix.Controller docs I see I can configure the log level for the Phoenix controller logging, or disable it altogether, but I don't see a way to customize the format. How can I do this?


  • This isn't a matter of customizing output, rather it's a matter of 1) disabling the default request-related log statements (by detaching the relevant :telemetry handlers) then 2) adding a new plug to log the format I want.

    Here's how I did it:

        :ok = :telemetry.detach({Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :socket_connected]})
        :ok = :telemetry.detach({Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :channel_joined]})
        :ok = :telemetry.detach({Phoenix.Logger, [:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :start]})

    2019-06-09 18:18:51.410 [info] ■ [PUT /manage/projects/7qDjSk/prompts/3tUrF9] params=%{"project_uuid" => "7qDjSk", "prompt" => %{"html" => "<div>Test question 3</div>"}, "prompt_uuid" => "3tUrF9"} user=1 (Topher Hunt) status=302 redirected_to=/manage/projects/7qDjSk duration=21ms

    (Note: Another, more best-practice approach would be to :telemetry.attach to the [:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :stop] event that Phoenix is already emitting. This provides all the data we'd need; see the Phoenix.Endpoint docs for more detail.)

    Useful references: