I'm trying to download the csv file using Python from this site:https://gats.pjm-eis.com/gats2/PublicReports/GATSGenerators
There's a csv button in the top right corner that I want to automatically load into a data warehouse. I've gone through a few tutorials (new to Python) and have yet to be successful. Any recommendations?
Use the library called requests, it is:
import requests
You need it to create the request to the cvs resource.
Also there's a library used for screen-scraping called bs4
import bs4
You will need both to construct what you want. Look for a course over there on web scraping with python and bs4.
Also there's a library called csv,
import csv
You can use it to easily parse the csv file once you get it.
Check this example or google it:
Here's another course on LinkedIn learning platform