
Visual studio unicode issue when using nmake command

I use Visual studio 6 to build dll from .rc file using nmake command and it works fine with English, Arabic and French but when trying to generate dll for Russian language it generated with a garbage data not Russian I think this problem is due to vs 6 unicoding and I changed the region(non - unicode) to Russian I googled this problem to find any help about this issue but no answer if anyone can help?

I tried changing the region and add Russian language for windows

this the call for nmake command nmake -a -f mlobject.mak

I expect the generated dll to show me Russian characters when include and use it in the application but the result is garbage characters.


  • I have solved it the bug is that when I'm trying to read string or resource value from dll in gupta(programming language like c++ and c#) it convert the string and read it as garbage data so when reading from dll I convert the string into binary then convert it to string again.