
Why does the inliner choke on this construct?

I am trying to share as much code as possible between emulators and a CLaSH implementations for CPUs. As part of this, I am writing instruction fetching & decoding as something along the lines of

fetchInstr :: (Monad m) => m Word8 -> m Instr

This is trivial to run in the emulator using a monad that has a program counter in its state and direct access to memory. For the hardware version, I make a fixed-size buffer (since the instruction byte-length is bounded) and in every cycle, short-circuit the fetching if there is not enough data in the buffer yet.

data Failure
    = Underrun
    | Overrun
    deriving Show

data Buffer n dat = Buffer
    { bufferContents :: Vec n dat
    , bufferNext :: Index (1 + n)
    deriving (Show, Generic, Undefined)

instance (KnownNat n, Default dat) => Default (Buffer n dat) where
    def = Buffer (pure def) 0

remember :: (KnownNat n) => Buffer n dat -> dat -> Buffer n dat
remember Buffer{..} x = Buffer
    { bufferContents = replace bufferNext x bufferContents
    , bufferNext = bufferNext + 1

newtype FetchM n dat m a = FetchM{ unFetchM :: ReaderT (Buffer n dat) (StateT (Index (1 + n)) (ExceptT Failure m)) a }
    deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

runFetchM :: (Monad m, KnownNat n) => Buffer n dat -> FetchM n dat m a -> m (Either Failure a)
runFetchM buf act = runExceptT $ evalStateT (runReaderT (unFetchM act) buf) 0

fetch :: (Monad m, KnownNat n) => FetchM n dat m dat
fetch = do
    Buffer{..} <- FetchM ask
    idx <- FetchM get
    when (idx == maxBound) overrun
    when (idx >= bufferNext) underrun
    FetchM $ modify (+ 1)
    return $ bufferContents !! idx
    overrun = FetchM . lift . lift . throwE $ Overrun
    underrun = FetchM . lift . lift . throwE $ Underrun

The idea is that this would be used by storing a Buffer n dat in the CPU's state during instruction fetching, and remembering values coming in from memory while there is a buffer underrun:

case cpuState of
 Fetching buf -> do
            buf' <- remember buf <$> do
                modify $ \s -> s{ pc = succ pc }
                return cpuInMem
            instr_ <- runFetchM buf' $ fetchInstr fetch
            instr <- case instr_ of
                Left Underrun -> goto (Fetching buf') >> abort
                Left Overrun -> errorX "Overrun"
                Right instr -> return instr
            goto $ Fetching def
            exec instr

This works just fine in the CLaSH simulator.

The problem is, if I start using it this way, it needs a lot bigger inlining limit for CLaSH to be able to synthesize it. For example, on a CHIP-8 implementation, this commit starts using the above-described FetchM. Before this change, an inlining depth of just 100 is enough to get through the CLaSH synthesizer; after this change, 300 is not enough and 1000 causes CLaSH to just churn until it runs out of memory.

What is so evil about FetchM that the inliner chokes on it?


  • It turned out the real culprit was not FetchM, but other parts of my code that required inlining of a lot of functions (one per each monadic bind in my main CPU monad!), and FetchM just increased the number of binds.

    The real problem was that my CPU monad was, among other things, a Writer (Endo CPUOut), and all those CPUOut -> CPUOut functions needed to be fully inlined since CLaSH can't represent functions as signals.

    All of this is explained in more detail in the related CLaSH bug ticket.