How could I get the size in bytes of a partition by it's device name (e.g. /dev/disk0s1) in a Cocoa application? Maybe I should use Disk Arbitration framework somehow?
You’re right — you can get that information by using the Disk Arbitration framework:
DASessionRef session = DASessionCreate(NULL);
if (session) {
DADiskRef disk = DADiskCreateFromBSDName(NULL, session, "/dev/disk0s1");
if (disk) {
CFDictionaryRef diskDescription = DADiskCopyDescription(disk);
NSDictionary *diskData = (NSDictionary *)diskDescription;
NSString *diskSizeKey = (NSString *)kDADiskDescriptionMediaSizeKey;
unsigned long size = [[diskData objectForKey:diskSizeKey]
NSLog(@"size in bytes = %lu", size);
else NSLog(@"Error while getting DA disk for /dev/disk0s1");
else NSLog(@"Error while creating DA session");
Note that /dev/disk0s1 is the EFI partition.