
Installing Ad Hoc app to device from Xcode requires restarting phone

Every time I install an Ad-hoc build to my device via Xcode->USB, the app freezes at splash screen. Even killing the app and restarting it doesn't work.

I have to Restart my phone to get it work.

I tried:


Edit: I tried with disabling Debug mode for Ad-Hoc mobile provision, the installing took a long time. Seems like with Debug mode disabled, archiving(takes a lot of time-energy) happens before installing app in to phone.

I would go with debug-on and re-start to save time.


  • It look like some process hold your app.
    Can you try just using developer mobile provision instead Ad hoc?
    If you need install you're app like "production application", you can use TestFlight.
    Also TestFlight true way to delivery you're app to testers/client/someone.

    developer mobile provision - enable debug mod for application
    Ad hoc mobile provision - disabled debug mod for application

    Maybe you have some logs at start application?
    Also you can recheck Capability in both mobile provisions.