
How to run a python script from linux terminal when it imports libraries like shodan?

root@kali:~# ./ apache 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 3, in <module>
    import shodan
ImportError: No module named shodan

I included path as #!usr/bin/env python but then also I cannot import shodan from the command line but I can run the same program from python3 IDLE.


  • It's because you need to download the Python module called 'Shodan'. You don't seem to have it installed, that's why Python is returning the error: ImportError: No module named shodan

    You can install Shodan for Python3 via:

    pip3 install shodan

    Or if you're running Python2, try:

    pip2.7 install shodan

    Best of luck.