I have just started with learning scala and facing some issues regarding manipulation of RDD of objects.
I have the same problem as stated in the below link
Update the internal state of RDD elements
Is there any other way to achieve the solution of the problem stated in the above link? Also is it possible to use dataset or dataframe to achieve what we are trying to do?
Immutability is one of key concept of functional programming. You can't change RDD
or data inside, but you can create new RDD
based on data from old RDD
I modified example from the link in your question to show how such transformation usually looks like.
//just case class with foo and bar fields that can be empty.
case class Test (foo: Option[Double], bar: Option[Double], someOtherVal: String)
// as you can see this is not actually "update"
// it creates new Test with "updated" foo and bar fields
// NOTE: this logic usually lives outside data object
def updateFooBar(t: Test) = Test(Some(Math.random()), Some(Math.random()),t.someOtherVal)
val testList = Array.fill(5)(Test(None,None,"someString"))
val testRDD = sc.parallelize(testList)
//creates new RDD based on old one by applying updateFooBar to each element.
val newRdd = testRDD.map{ x => updateFooBar(x) }
//or just val newRdd = testRDD.map(updateFooBar)
newRdd.collect().foreach { x=> println(x.foo+"~"+x.bar+"~"+x.someOtherVal) }
You can transform Dataset
exactly the same way as RDD
val newDs = testRDD.toDS().map( x => updateFooBar(x))
or using Dataframe
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.typedLit
val newDf = testRDD.toDF()