When I'm doing some stuff, I figure out a weird problem. I try to make a voice recognition. The first part of the condition works correctly but it does not work for the second part.
var v;
function test() {
var ses = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
ses.lang = "En"
ses.continuous = true;
ses.onresult = function(event)
if (event.results.length > 0) {
sonuc = event.results[event.results.length - 1];
document.querySelector("input").value = sonuc[0].transcript;
v = sonuc[0].transcript;
console.log(v + " 1");
if (v == "good") {
console.log(v + "2");
console.log("OK !");
console.log("LED ok");
if (v == "bad") {
console.log(v + "2");
console.log("OK !");
console.log("LED off");
For the first time, I said: good
and the results were:
good 1
good 2
OK !
This was correct.
Then, for the second time if I say: bad
the result is:
bad 1
and it did not go through the condition if(v == "bad")
It is only happened when bad
is the second word I said. If I refresh the page and said "bad" directly on the first time, I will get all the correct results.
According to Mozzila's documentation:
For continuous recognition, leading or trailing whitespace will be included where necessary so that concatenation of consecutive SpeechRecognitionResults produces a proper transcript of the session.
This matches exactly what you described. Since your speech recognition session is continuous (as seen in ses.continuous = true
) what happens is that when you say any word for the first time, the transcriptor will get the word correctly. But when it recognises the next word, a leading whitespace will be added. You probably miscopied your console output, which must've been like this:
good 1
good 2
OK !
bad 1
^ leading space here
Indeed, " bad"
is not equal to "bad"
. This is why the string didn't pass the condition. To solve this, just make sure to trim your string:
var v;
function test() {
var ses = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
ses.lang = "En"
ses.continuous = true;
ses.onresult = function(event)
if (event.results.length > 0) {
sonuc = event.results[event.results.length - 1];
document.querySelector("input").value = sonuc[0].transcript;
v = sonuc[0].transcript.trim(); // <-- trim here
console.log(v + " 1");
if (v == "good") {
console.log(v + "2");
console.log("OK !");
console.log("LED ok");
if (v == "bad") {
console.log(v + "2");
console.log("OK !");
console.log("LED off");
Then your code should work as expected. Hope it helps!