I am trying to execute this statement in sql server:
EXECUTE ('SELECT @lnRowIdMin = MIN(TMP_ROW_ID) FROM #' + @lvcBaseTable).
Here @lnRowIdMin
is declared as an integer variable and @lvcBaseTable
is declared as an varchar(255) variable in my original code.
Executing the original code throws the error for the above statement:
Must declare the scalar variable
Then I changed the statement to:
EXECUTE ('SELECT ' + @lnRowIdMin + ' = MIN(TMP_ROW_ID) FROM #' + @lvcBaseTable).
Now it throws this error: "Incorrect syntax near '='"
At a total guess, @lnRowIdMin
is declared outside of the dynamic SQL, and needs to have the value assigned. You therefore need to parametrise your SQL, and use an OUTPUT
--Prior stuff here, including declaration of @lnRowIdMin
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(MAX),
@Param nvarchar(MAX);
SET @SQL = N'SELECT @lnRowIdMin = MIN(TMP_ROW_ID) FROM ' + QUOTENAME(N'#' + @lvcBaseTable) + N';';
SET @Param = N'@lnRowIdMin int OUTPUT'; --Guessed datatype
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, @Param, @lnRowIdMin = @lnRowIdMin OUTPUT;