
Couldnt run eclipse che on kubernetes

Cloned che source code (from github) from master branch. Tried to run eclipse che as shown below: helm upgrade --install che --namespace che --set cheImage=eclipse/che-server:nightly --set global.cheWorkspacesNamespace="che" --set ./

The following error is shown: Release "che" does not exist. Installing it now. Error: render error in "che/templates/configmap.yaml": template: che/templates/configmap.yaml:87:14: executing "che/templates/configmap.yaml" at <.Values.che.workspace.devfileRegistryUrl>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.workspace

Please help.


  • It seems there is a bug in current version of helm chart in upstream. Issue was already logged:

    If you want to do quick workaround, you can go to deploy/kubernetes/helm/che/values.yaml and uncomment lines 70-74 and deployment should work and the che-server will use those URL's for plugin and devfile registries. If you want to provide your own registries, just change those values.
