
Need correct wording for scope method seeking specific wording in the object

I cannot figure the correct wording for this scope method. The task is to create a scope method that specifies the requests(which have notes) to display only the requests with the word "kids" in the note . I can't seem to get the right wording for this to work

I have tried scope :requests_with_kids_in_note, -> { where('note').includes(text: "kids")}

scope :requests_with_kids_in_note, -> { select('note').where('note').includes(text: "kids")}

error messages aren't helping


  • You can do this very easily through scopes, but you should format the where clause differently. Also I'd advise to make it more generic:

    scope :note_contains, -> (word) { where('note LIKE %?%', word) }

    And use it like this:
