
Unwanted hidden field and missing for attribut in checkbox (TYPO3, Powermail)

I have a problem with TYPO3/Powermail. I tried to add custom checkbox images and ran into problems with IE. I found another website based on TYPO3 with customized checkboxes working fine on IE too.

What is weird is, that my html form structure (generated by TYPO3/Powermail) looks different.

Here is my checkbox html:

enter image description here

As you can see, I have a field with type hidden inserted, don't know why. And my label has no "for" attribut.

This form field here (TYPO3/Powermail as well) looks nice:

enter image description here

Here we have no strange hidden input field, and there is a "for" attribut in the label.

Can someone help?


  • The templates of the both installations differ. Check the original templates and partials delivered with EXT:powermail in folder EXT:powermail/Resources/Private. If you use own templates add all needed fields and options.

    For example add the for-attribute to the <label> in partial for radio buttons: <label for="powermail_field_{field.marker}_{index.cycle}">.

    In newer versions of EXT:powermail (7.3.1) file Resources/Private/Partials/Form/Field/Radio.html looks like:

    {namespace vh=In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers}
    <div class="powermail_fieldwrap powermail_fieldwrap_type_radio powermail_fieldwrap_{field.marker} {field.css} {settings.styles.framework.fieldAndLabelWrappingClasses}">
        <f:render partial="Form/FieldLabel" arguments="{_all}" />
        <div class="{settings.styles.framework.fieldWrappingClasses}">
            <f:for each="{field.modifiedSettings}" as="setting" iteration="index">
                <div class="{settings.styles.framework.radioClasses} {vh:Validation.ErrorClass(field:field, class:'powermail_field_error')}">
                                checked="{vh:Misc.PrefillMultiField(field:field, mail:mail, cycle:index.cycle)}"
                                additionalAttributes="{vh:Validation.ValidationDataAttribute(field:field, iteration:index)}"
                                class="powermail_radio" />
            <f:if condition="{settings.validation.client}">
                <div class="powermail_field_error_container powermail_field_error_container_{field.marker}"></div>


    {namespace vh=In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers}
        Partial file for the HTML-structure of nearly all field labels
    <f:if condition="{field.css} != 'nolabel'">
        <label for="powermail_field_{field.marker}" class="{settings.styles.framework.labelClasses}" title="{field.description}">
            <vh:string.escapeLabels>{field.title}</vh:string.escapeLabels><f:if condition="{field.mandatory}"><span class="mandatory">*</span></f:if>